Happy New Year and welcome to a new decade

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People make resolutions and vowing to change – eating more healthily, exercising more and so forth; to me however, change is constant. There’s no one day better to start than another. And I do wonder, if we had to wait till New Years, is it a change we were ready for? If we were indeed ready, why not make it then and there, why wait?

As an alternative healthcare practitioner my life is about making better choices rather frequently. But then again; sometimes I will just Netflix my way through a weekend. And why not? Maybe at that time it’s exactly what I need. And the next weakened a mediation retreat. Does it have to be all or nothing? I think not. I think it has to be sustainable and enjoyable.

So, I say; make your resolutions; but don’t be discouraged if you fall off the path. Maybe, it wasn’t your resolution to make after all. Maybe yours was to love yourself more and cut yourself some slack and skip a 6 am workout every now and then.

Wherever you are, I hope 2020 will bring you joy and love and all the things you’re seeking. I hope you find some stillness to reflect and rejoice in your fortune, or find the strength to readjust your sail if need be. I hope you thrive and that you will let me be part of your journey so that I may support your health and wellbeing.

