
TCM dietary advice

Dietary advice in TCM is designed to support the overall treatment strategy. In the same way as Chinese herbs have certain properties in that they may be warming or cooling, nourishing or expelling - so does common food. Therefore, for optimal treatment results I will often make some suggestions for dietary changes that may complement acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.

In Chinese medicine the treatment approach differs from person to person. Some food that may be considered healthy for some, may create problems for another constitution. Therefore Chinese medicine dietary advice may not always be in line with what we commonly perceive as healthy or unhealthy food. I find that a lot of my patients are very fascinated by the theories and once they give suggestions a try, are often surprised how good the changes feel.


TCM lifestyle advice

TCM is built on a holistic healing approach; not hiding away symptoms but correcting underlying causes. To support you in making lasting changes that go beyond the initial treatment period I will suggest some easy to incorporate lifestyle adjustments.

We may talk about your sleeping routine, or help you find a way to schedule and timeout for a relaxation. Some patients need to address their activity levels; either over-exerting themselves or not moving enough. This will be very personal for you and you will always be in charge.